Member Since: 15 Sep 2017
Location: Montmorillon, Vienne (86)
Posts: 259

Registering UK Disco in France |
Hi Guys...I am in the process of registering my Disco 3,TDV6, HSE (2008) in France and so far it has been a 5 month nightmare with the authorities.
Biggest hitch has been with the (Free) Certificate of Conformity issued by LR in the UK which states that the vehicle is built for countries which drive on the left but has European type approval. It appears that all cars built for the countries driving on the left have this note. LR UK will not issue a specific COC for France so I had to contact LR here in France to obtain a French version which does not have the note at a cost of €240 (Approx. £200)
This has satisfied the Authorities and I am now awaiting the registration document to allow me to put French plates on.
As you are probably aware, the Disco has the facility to switch the headlamp beams (Xenon models) over for Continental use without the need for headlamp deflectors. The car had to have the French equivalent of the MOT and sailed through, the certificate iis valid for 2 years.
Strange that LR being a worldwide supplier having, I would have thought, an International database cannot issue a French or other market COC. Relocated to Mid France from N. Wales March 2021
Another Gizmo..GAP BT. Let's see how it compares with JLR IDD/SSD v.163
Rovacomlite and IDD/ SSD diagnostics user
Previous Landies
3.9 SE Classic
3.5 V8 Disco
4.6 P38 HSE
L322 Vogue HSE
TD4 ES Freelander 1
23rd Sep 2023 10:52 am |