Member Since: 06 Nov 2019
Location: Queenstown
Posts: 1

TDV6 - Starter Motor Rebuilding and/or New Starter Solenoid |
I have had an intermittent starting fault on my 2005 TDV6 (205,000km). Starter is a Denso NAD500080. When it fails to start, i cannot hear the starter solenoid clicking when turning the ignition key so i expect that either the solenoid is faulty or it is not getting a starting current. Having said that, I have twice (only twice) tapped on the starter and cable terminals that i could reach with a piece of wood and hammer which seems to reinvigorate it (although two lucky strikes is not enough to draw a solid conclusion!!!). After some many many hours of lying on my back under said Landrover, i managed to extract the starter (hint - move the front of the starter up and towards the centre of the radiator and the rear of the starter down and towards the right hand front wheel after having disconnected all cables, the starter/sump support bracket, the fuel cooler and the cable restraining clips that run east west across the chassis). I have run the full gamut of tests (thanks to Youtube Pistonshack - "NO CRANK? BEST COMPLETE STARTER TEST TUTORIAL" and all seems to be well when tested on the bench. Stripping the starter revealed (1) one perished large diameter o-ring, (2) some rust on the brush carrier (presumably due to water ingress from perished o-ring) (3) the two brushes that connect to the stator coils are worn down about 5mm more than what i would call the earth side brushes but all brushes seem to have enough length to stop them racking in their guides and they seem to slide freely enough in their guides (4) commutator in good condition (5) a "reasonably" clean interior of the cases. Solenoid plunger is free to slide and solenoid plunger spring feels about right. The solenoid however is a sealed unit and does not appear to be a serviceable unit. While i have the starter removed and apart, i would like to replace the o-rings, the brushes (and maybe the brush carrier) and the solenoid but i cannot find these listed as spare parts anywhere. Does anyone know if these parts can be sourced and if so do you have an exploded parts drawing for this starter and possibly contact details for a vendor of same. FYI i have recently started using a product called CRC Evaporust and currently have the brush carrier soaking in it. It is a wonderful product and appears to be "very" inert. For what it is worth, I have no affiliation or vested interest in promoting this product other than to say it works well.
27th Apr 2024 11:22 pm |
D3 Decade
Member Since: 31 Jan 2006
Location: Brisbane, AUS
Posts: 920

Sorry, Halsey, I cannot assist with an answer to your dilemma, but I have put a link in below to your gallery of photographs in case it can help others who may be able to offer advice.
HTH LeighW
The old girl is on her third engine...
* first ran a bearing (design failure in original engine)
* second had a failure of the water outlet on top of the engine (pls check yours)
28th Apr 2024 6:28 am |
Pete K
Member Since: 15 Jan 2016
Location: GL
Posts: 10831

I would replace the starter relay in the battery fusebox.
Marked SM
28th Apr 2024 8:36 am |