Member Since: 23 Jul 2012
Location: Johannesburg
Posts: 2

Re: Loss of power in TDV6 |
Quote:Paul wrote:- Classification
- Mechanical
- Problem
- While cruising at constant speed (100kmh or 60mph) under cruise control or without the D3 lost power while climbing long hills and along the flat. The accelerator would not respond and changing to Manual mode and down a gear or 2 made no difference. No errors on display.
- Affected vehicles
- TDV6
- Reported
- 23 july 2012 by PCH in <a>post 8558</a>
- Reported Cases
- 1
- Occurs
- Intermittently
- Submitted to dealer network
- Yes
- Dealer Response
- Tested systems for 2 days and found some corroded connectors on the engine but did not really identify if they had resolved the fault.
- Submitted to LR Customer Services
- <i>?</i>
- LR CS Response Reported
- <i>None</i>
- Fix/Solution
- Check the positive battery terminal, the bolt seems to be fasten but when you feel the whole terminal it is loose. Need to modify sholders on the side of the terminal so that the terminal can be tighten more.
- Other Comments
- <i>None</i>
23rd Jul 2012 1:32 pm |
Member Since: 23 Jul 2012
Location: Johannesburg
Posts: 2

Check the positive battery terminal, the bolt seems to be fasten but when you feel the whole terminal it is loose. Need to modify sholders on the side of the terminal so that the terminal can be tighten more.
23rd Jul 2012 1:36 pm |
Member Since: 11 Jan 2012
Location: Stalybridge
Posts: 24

Hi All, hope you might be able to shed some light on simular issue as mentioned in above posts.
I have a 54 TDV6 2.7
Lost power on motorway accelerating of the slip road-happend when accelerating past 60mph- pull over switch off and on again and cont. when accellerating gradually I was able to do 80mph. When it happend the first time fault on dash "engine syst fault" came up. It happend twice again but no fault message.
Earlier today I changed the oil in the transfer box- it was winding when going up hill- so I was told the viscouse coupling oil needs changing. When I try to start the truck to get off the ramp it was just turning over( as if no fuel available)
The Tech put a fault code reader on and several code came up all relating to injector pressure....can remember all of them. he cleared the faults but no joy getting the truck started.
So we checked rail pressures -fluxuating between 7.48 to 10.25MPa- (is this correct?)
Checked the lift pump and it was working ok.
Got it started-mirrical dont know what we done, it just started. So of I went on my way home and there it happend again, lost power when try to accellerate, pull over switch off/on and off I went again. Then going up hill only doing 25-30mph it lost power again, pull over and the "brake fault light " come on. So do the same switch off/on and off I go again, got home eventually
I check all the pipe connections on the fuel filter ( I changed it last week) bled the fuel syst again to make sure there was no air in (no air-only fuel coming out of bleed valve)
The last week or so the truck do struggle to start first thing in the mornings, I just put it down to the cold weather at the moment (0*C to -3*C) coz the glo plug light stays on a bit longer as well(up to 30 sec some time)
Can some one point me in some direction to what to look at nexst please. I am going out now to check all the electrical connectors on the engine and gearbox.
26th Feb 2013 2:15 pm |
Member Since: 12 Jul 2013
Location: Cumbria
Posts: 2

i have a 07 HSE Automatic. Had it for about 20 months. Great car when its going ok. Otherwise a bit of a worry. Currently tonight and yesterday the accelerator seems to have gone into a mind of its own in that you press it and then pray the power kicks in while the revs shoot up and down intermittently. Also this evening just found some sort of leak underneath car. does not look fully like you look at the car from the front the leak is mainly on left hand side of engine, that said there seems to be signs of this leak across the bottom of the engine sump? protector .
a month ago the emu came on and i took the car to a local mechanic and the readings from the computer said egr valve issues - to wish he then cleaned etc and emu light went out for a day or so then came back . he told me that it wouldnt matter that much and it'd be ok to drive. Then yesterday travelling on a 150 mile motorway run the emu light went out..........result?
Then 20 miles later i started to get the power issues and again this morning. And now i have the leak.
The water in the cooler was topped up before my 150 mile journey and now its down at the bottom of the reservoir.
I feel i have a few costly problems ahead. I,m not mechanically minded at all guys. Any advice would be appreciated. Have the extended warranty - not that i think its worth that much to have, based on a couple of previous issues..... Cheers Mike.
12th Jul 2013 9:59 pm |
Member Since: 11 Jan 2012
Location: Stalybridge
Posts: 24

Check the colour of the water in the header tank, see if you can see some oil deposits(black)in or on top of the water, that might indicate a blown head gasket or water port crack in engine. Did you noticed any temp warnings whilst driving? Bare with me by pointing out the obvious, but have you check the header tank, pipe work for any cracks, was the cap put back securely when filled up previously? I know its not answers to your questions/concerns but feedback on this will help.
I'm still new and learning about all the issues and pleasures of ownership and already paid out school money to get things sorted . New HP fuel pump, 3 injectors and inj leak-back pipe work and 8 weeks without it. but its running sweet now
14th Jul 2013 4:53 pm |
Member Since: 01 May 2012
Location: The wet bit
Posts: 18

D3 MY08 58K on the clock.
'Engine Management Fault' warning came up the other day. Car felt very sluggish.
Took it to the Main Dealer yesterday and they've just called to say the turbo unit is fooked and one of the EGR valves has gone too.
Thankfully I took the LR warranty out in March (£700!) as they're telling me it's a £3K+ job to replace and repair. All covered..phew!
So, if you get one of these (otherwise really tremendous) vehicles, make sure you bite the bullet and take a warranty. There are parts of them that are made of cheese...
11th Dec 2013 1:16 pm |
Member Since: 01 May 2012
Location: The wet bit
Posts: 18

Isn't it always Mikey?!
What would I have been looking at roughly using an indie?
Taggarts quoted £1500 for the part (turbo) alone..
11th Dec 2013 3:25 pm |
Member Since: 05 Apr 2016
Location: Whitchurch
Posts: 1

BAD LOSS OF POWER-BLACK SMOKE(Egrs Blocked off months ago!) |
Hi... Pleaseee can anyone help me.
We have a Disco3 2.7S TDV6 2006 and i must admit i am nearly put off for life! Love this car but it is one problem after another!
Again i have black smoke when accelerating-alot! and the worst bit is it is really unresponsive, up until it gets to around 3000rpm it is just flat, quite dangerous to be honest when pulling out at junctions etc. It is asif there is no response when you put your foot down even literally flooring it!
I have read many forums and they all point to EGR of which we have had both blanked off months ago after a range of problems to which it did solve and if anything improved the car but now we have this new problem!
Also the MAF sensor has been replaced after a engine system fault and code read P0100 i think which again rectified the problem! I have for good measures put another maf sensor on to check this hadnt become fautly and still had the same problem.
There is no engine light, no warnings and no codes when read which is why i havent a clue!
Please can anyone help!!?? Much Appreciated
5th Apr 2016 3:08 pm |
Member Since: 06 Jun 2013
Location: Brighton
Posts: 22

Split Turbo intercooler pipe would be my guess 2 D3 ‘s’ ambulance conversions and 2 D3 ‘SE’ for home (His and Hers)
110 for the nasty stuff (Now Retired)
31st Aug 2016 3:24 pm |
Member Since: 29 Oct 2016
Location: North yorks
Posts: 1

Hello, new to this forum and new owner of TDV6 2007. Had intermittent issues with engine fault message then going into limp mode but most recently losing power towing a horse and horse box uphill and long inclines with no fault showing. Any advice greatly appreciated!
29th Oct 2016 6:56 am |
Member Since: 12 Feb 2018
Location: Invergordon
Posts: 4

Guys I have an 05 disco runs ok other than no power when you accelerate .and a light exhaust leak from the cross over pipe which I will fix.
There is no smoke or noise at all just no power. On any hill you have to go down the gears. It takes foreal ever to get up to 60.
Any advice woUldale be great.
12th Feb 2018 4:40 pm |
Member Since: 09 Jul 2011
Location: Central
Posts: 1790

Are the egrs OK or blanked? have you had codes read?
12th Feb 2018 5:34 pm |
Member Since: 12 Feb 2018
Location: Invergordon
Posts: 4

Hi there the egr valves are still fitted. I've not had the codes read yet but the display shows no faults. I've just taken the car out again and it appears to have no power up to 2500 rpm then it picks up .
The cross over exhaust is leaking so not sure if that would effect bottom end power . The fuel consumption is poor around 18mpg on average.
12th Feb 2018 6:36 pm |