As I & others have reported Warranty Direct is back in the business of offering cover to the general public.
A few questions:-
Has anyone been offered renewal on the expiration of an existing warranty?
If so were the terms reasonable?
Have anyone compared the current Tc & Cs with those offered pre-2021?
I have two policies expiring shortly one on the D4 & one the SL. On the MB forums experience seems to be patchy, someone with a more recent SL has been refused cover, whilst someone else with an older one has been offered cover!
NJSSAm I Gammon or Woke ? - I neither know nor care.
2016 Discovery 4 Landmark
2011 Mercedes Benz SL350 (R230)
1973 MG B GT V8 - 3.9L John Eales engine, 5 speed R380 gearbox, since 1975.
1959 MGA roadster - 1.9L Peter Burgess Engine - 5 speed gearbox
Past LRs - Multiple FFRs, Discos & a Series I - some petrol, some diesel,
none Electric or H2 fuel cell - yet.
There are 10 types of people in this world: Those who understand binary, and those who don’t.
17th Apr 2021 11:14 am
Member Since: 05 Nov 2020
Location: Tamworth
Posts: 515
I have taken out a new warranty with them, there terms don't seem unreasonable but time might tell
I understand that they no longer offer policies for cars with over 100k miles on the clock. I believe that in the past the cut-off was 150k miles, with reduced cover.
I'm not sure how these mileage limits apply. If you have an existing policy and exceed 100k miles during its currency does cover cease at 100k miles or at the renewal date?
Today's policies now include MOT Test Insurance and AA Roadside Assistance.
NJSSAm I Gammon or Woke ? - I neither know nor care.
2016 Discovery 4 Landmark
2011 Mercedes Benz SL350 (R230)
1973 MG B GT V8 - 3.9L John Eales engine, 5 speed R380 gearbox, since 1975.
1959 MGA roadster - 1.9L Peter Burgess Engine - 5 speed gearbox
Past LRs - Multiple FFRs, Discos & a Series I - some petrol, some diesel,
none Electric or H2 fuel cell - yet.
There are 10 types of people in this world: Those who understand binary, and those who don’t.
17th Apr 2021 12:26 pm
Member Since: 05 Nov 2020
Location: Tamworth
Posts: 515
My car is a 15 plate with 96,ooo miles I asked the question regarding mileage as long as it is serviced at the proper intervals they will cover it,if if it goes over 100,000 miles
17th Apr 2021 12:30 pm
Member Since: 22 May 2020
Location: Newcastle
Posts: 1656
I am tempted, but like others, wonder if the policy is as good as the old one.
My D4 warranty runs for another year, but that on the SL350 is due for renewal in July.
NJSSAm I Gammon or Woke ? - I neither know nor care.
2016 Discovery 4 Landmark
2011 Mercedes Benz SL350 (R230)
1973 MG B GT V8 - 3.9L John Eales engine, 5 speed R380 gearbox, since 1975.
1959 MGA roadster - 1.9L Peter Burgess Engine - 5 speed gearbox
Past LRs - Multiple FFRs, Discos & a Series I - some petrol, some diesel,
none Electric or H2 fuel cell - yet.
There are 10 types of people in this world: Those who understand binary, and those who don’t.
25th May 2021 7:39 pm
Member Since: 22 May 2020
Location: Newcastle
Posts: 1656
You pays your money and you takes your choice.
I’ve been told that the LR branded Car Care Plan is possibly the best albeit quite expensive, but unless it immediately follows on from a manufactures warranty, forget it.
The Warranty Direct company has only been trading in its present form for a couple of months, so doesn’t have any feedback one way or the other re claims. Whilst it seems comprehensive, no doubt there are exclusions as there are with any policy. They have a list of approved garages which you must use although I think they do let you go to the supplying dealer if you purchased the car from them.
I think that there are many here who would dispute that. That plan excludes crankshaft problems, as they are deemed an engineering/design issue. Since this is one of the reasons many of us want cover WD seems better as they have accepted claim for snapped crankshafts.
They {WD} have a list of approved garages which you must use although I think they do let you go to the supplying dealer if you purchased the car from them.
In my experience this is simply incorrect. I have had work under WD warranties carried out by "non-approved" garages on both my Disco & SL350.
NJSSAm I Gammon or Woke ? - I neither know nor care.
2016 Discovery 4 Landmark
2011 Mercedes Benz SL350 (R230)
1973 MG B GT V8 - 3.9L John Eales engine, 5 speed R380 gearbox, since 1975.
1959 MGA roadster - 1.9L Peter Burgess Engine - 5 speed gearbox
Past LRs - Multiple FFRs, Discos & a Series I - some petrol, some diesel,
none Electric or H2 fuel cell - yet.
There are 10 types of people in this world: Those who understand binary, and those who don’t.
26th May 2021 7:02 am
Member Since: 27 Dec 2018
Location: DORKING
Posts: 29
I have just renewed and got them to confirm the crank is included (even though it says it is on the gold cover).
The policy still is the most inclusive I could find. It's all bundled now so you cant pick and choose your options.
The claim process does seem easier if you have full-service history etc. Service has been great so far, but it's not until you make a claim that you get the full story.
26th May 2021 7:08 am
Member Since: 22 May 2020
Location: Newcastle
Posts: 1656
NJSS wrote:
the LR branded Car Care Plan is possibly the best
I think that there are many here who would dispute that. That plan excludes crankshaft problems, as they are deemed an engineering/design issue. Since this is one of the reasons many of us want cover WD seems better as they have accepted claim for snapped crankshafts.
They {WD} have a list of approved garages which you must use although I think they do let you go to the supplying dealer if you purchased the car from them.
In my experience this is simply incorrect. I have had work under WD warranties carried out by "non-approved" garages on both my Disco & SL350.
The new since March this year Warranty Direct conditions won’t cover you for engineering/design issues either. The LR warranty might not cover you for a snapped cranking these circumstances, but I recall people saying LR will be more sympathetic to covering the cost of a repair if you took out their warranty.
As for the garages WD will let you have a repair at. I think your working off old information.
Here a recent bit from WD on the trust pilot site. There more on it on the WD site itself.
Click image to enlarge
26th May 2021 9:09 am
Member Since: 03 May 2016
Location: Kent
Posts: 1705
Any one have any further experience of using the new WD warranty?
I'm reading documentation and making some enquiries about this warranty currently with a view to going forward with it if it seems good. In the meantime here is the policy wording on where you can take your vehicle for repairs (taken direct from the warranty policy doc), so looks as if you can take it to your chosen VAT registered garage:
"If you cannot take the vehicle back to the dealer from where it was
purchased or you wish to appoint your own repairer please follow the instructions below:
1. Contact our customer helpline on 0800 085 7389 for advice on using your own
repairer or where to find an approved repairer"Gary
Discovery 4 HSE 2016MY
3rd Jul 2021 10:20 am
Member Since: 22 May 2020
Location: Newcastle
Posts: 1656
I had this out with a WD customer rep. I was told, if your garage was on their list of approved garages, they would allow you to take it there, if not they wouldn’t pay. I asked about one particular garage for my purposes and they wouldn’t confirm or deny it was approved, which didn’t help.
3rd Jul 2021 10:58 am
Member Since: 03 May 2016
Location: Kent
Posts: 1705
If you cannot take the vehicle back to the dealer from where it was
purchased or you wish to appoint your own repairer please follow the instructions below:
1. Contact our customer helpline on 0800 085 7389 for advice on using your own
repairer or where to find an approved repairer;
Thanks. Just tried to call them with some questions and admin office AND claims line only open Mon-Fri 9-5pm. Not so good if you need your repair authorised/ repaired on a weekend.
One thing I will add to the list of things not covered is a manifold (cracks/split not uncommon according to this forum). I also note that the MOT failure coverage states you must take the car to the dealer you purchased it or authorised dealer. Since this cover only allows for repairs if it fails the MOT, this may not be possible (unless it is recovered).
By the way, the letter I received had a price on it. When I rang previously with queries, I was asked for actual mileage and the price went down £60 for the year. I noticed that the excess was £150 and asked for a price with £50 excess, cost then went up by £335 for the year. So perhaps £150 excess is the 'sweet spot' for pricing.
Starting to go off this coverGary
Discovery 4 HSE 2016MY
3rd Jul 2021 11:34 am
Member Since: 12 Jan 2016
Location: Surrey / SW London
Posts: 2138
I’m on the old cover, and whilst it’s now not with Warranty Direct, (it’s still with the old owners) it seems the authorisation is now very slow. It used to be same day, couple of hours.
My garage put a claim in yesterday morning for 2 new callipers (which are in my policy book as covered) and the garage got an email saying the claims department would respond in 3-5 days.
What a joke!
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3rd Jul 2021 12:57 pm
Member Since: 03 May 2016
Location: Kent
Posts: 1705
That is unacceptable, and I suspect breaking the terms of the warranty if you check the small print. I claimed at the start of June for the gear selector as the ring light had stopped working. Garage got immediate authorisation. You can understand them losing interest and taking resources away though as numbers on the plan diminish.Gary
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