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Search results - "clips"
Cabling Front Runner Spots229 viewsThanks to Ifor Williams clips ;)
clips undo133 views
grille clips 1 X 4146 views
grille clips 2 position147 views
glille clips 2 X 2138 views
02279 viewsDash center console off and factory head unit out. LR clips suck.
Thread upload24 viewsImage uploaded in thread 115058
59 viewsOne bolt is visible at the front, but the other two are down the left hand side and best accessed by removing the small plastic guard behind the bumper. I also removed the small metal radiator guard between the bumper and the main sump guard (but that was mostly to retrieve the spanner I dropped!). The only issue with removing the plastic guard is the stupid plastic clips that hold it on may need to be replaced.
Arch Trim Removed.jpg
Wheel Arch Trim Removed150 viewsLuckily I didn\'t break any clips
Clips12 views
Bin Cover removed showing forward release clips that clip into the two rectangular slots.5 viewsOne has to pull up on the Bin Cover to unlatch the two metal clips, hence why release of the C pillar cover makes the bin cover removal and reinstall easier.
Clips12 views
Caliper carrier with new anti rattle clips101 views
Thread upload0 viewsImage uploaded in thread 181600
Front brake clips23 views
Speaker grill clip3 views
Thread upload5 viewsImage uploaded in thread 176763
Thread upload1 viewsImage uploaded in thread 199620
Thread upload4 viewsImage uploaded in new thread
Various Clips288 viewsBits and Bobs stitched together
Front brake clips21 views
Thread upload1 viewsImage uploaded in thread 199620
Clip Spring Metal FYC 500040 that holds LR together1745 viewsThe jpg is of the spring metal clip, Land Rover part number FYC 500040 that holds most of our 3 together - well at least most the interior trim parts.

If you are going to remove interior panels, you may as well stock up on a few for replacement as upon panel removal, the clips tend to spring away into deep never to be found voids within your 3.
Front and Side Clips - Seat Base39 views
Seat Base cover front and side clips released43 views
D4 Mantec Clips.JPG
Clips to be removed when fitting a Mantec Plate140 views
disco brakes pin removal.JPG
pull out the 3 clips circled in red295 views
disco3 door 023.jpg
clips on door panel476 views
Mat Clips Discovery 4 201318 views
DSC_3403 (Large).JPG
fitted stronger rear strut holders. not a great mod. the holes i drillled for the "R" clips are the best mod, as they stop the legs from sliding up under pressure. requires bracing inside to stop chassis bending101 views
Thread upload10 viewsImage uploaded in thread 126603
Thread upload1 viewsImage uploaded in thread 195635
Thread upload3 viewsImage uploaded in thread 195635
Thread upload1 viewsImage uploaded in thread 195635
Thread upload3 viewsImage uploaded in thread 195635
18 viewsFeel for the clip with the hook.
640 viewsCup holder panel showing the 8 locating lugs and clips
After removal of H-panel95 viewsCrikey, you have to pull HARD to remove this trim!!! Broke one clip and only lost half of it. Fit back with 3 clips ok. Yet to drive it to see if it rattles.
Croc clips54 viewsCrocodile clips with connector without dust/moisture cap.
Switch is blue colour thing thru the rectangular opening.3157 viewsThe blue coloured plastic bit thru the rectangular opening is the brake light switch. The fist time, I found it easier remove the switch by dropping the horizontal plastic panel, (two screws), and then slipping my hand in and rotating the switch clockwise 1/4 turn. The second time, I was able to remove the switch thru the rectangular opening and did not need to remove the horizontal lower panel. Obviously, I had to remove the sloping knee pad panel, (note sort of hinged at the bottom so pull back from the top.)

Regardless, do not touch the brake pedal - just let it sit where it wants to. One has to first remove the angled knee pad panel that sits under the steering wheel. It can be pulled from the top corner at the door side. Pulling releases a pair of those U shaped metal clips that LR loves so dearly. You have to pull quite hard. The bottom is held by a couple of plastic fingers in a couple of slots so you pull at the top till the two clips release and then rotate the panel and pull upwards a bit.

To remove the switch, you rotate it clockwise and pull outwards. Rotating the switch clockwise automatically retracts the plunger back into the switch body away from the brake pedal arm.

Similarly when you install the new switch, the required 1/4 turn anti clockwise rotation action releases the plunger so it lays up against the brake pedal arm and at the same time, secures the switch in place.

To remove the electrical wires, the switch will drop below the horizontal pad and hang from the wires so unclipping the electrical connector plug is fairly easy to do.
The clips (one completely broken, one partially, and one ok) that hold the plastic locking mechanism to the camera.31 views
Redg plate mounting127 viewsThe original redg plate mounting was modified. An L-shaped piece of plastic now sticks out rearward from the top of the mounting and this hooks over the back of the top edge of the bumper cover. Then 2 spring clips hold the bottom edge of the mounting in place. Proximity sensor and surround camera seen unaffected.
Harness section that runs behind the rear bumper.407 viewsThis is the harness section that clips up inside the rear bumper and includes the circular 7 pin, (6 flat +1 round), NAS socket, and also the 4 pin NAS flat connector.

The two small plug ends connect under the rear left tail light to the harness section that exits from the interior.

The Land Rover part number for the NAS trailer tow kit, (both cables), is YWJ500220.
LR3 Air Conditioner drain tubes.jpg
LR3 Air Conditioner Drain Tubes behind centre console2108 viewsThis shows the two air conditioner drain tubes located left and right under the radio stack.

The tube on the left side, (steering wheel side, LHD), disattached itself and the carpet on the floor under the gas pedal etc became soaked. I think rain water from outside that comes in the outside cowl vents also exits via the tubes as I first noticed the carpet was wet after parking outside during a big rain storm.

It was relatively easy to slide up and reattach the rubber hose that runs from the rectangular shaped plastic discharge hole(s) of the heater "pan" down along the transmission hump area and thru the floor pan. There is a hose on each side of the transmission hump, but only one hose had let go on my 3. The rubber hoses just slide over the rectangular plastic openings of the two heater housing drain outlets.

To get at each drain hose, remove the vertical sort of triangle carpeted piece below each side of the radio stack. The triangles of carpet will just pull away as each is held on with those metal U clips Land Rover so likes. Dislodge each triangle at least sufficiently to get ones hand in to slide the rubber hose back on.

You will rarely see AC water on the ground as the front drains pour onto a metal underside protection skid plate and the rear drain onto the top of the left rear muffler.
Lunar Eclipse as seen from Tunisian Desert on 15 Aug 2008 outside my D357 views
Thread upload11 viewsImage uploaded in thread 135120
Nokia phone cradle CR3 - missing clips31 views
90 viewspremium tweeter before being fitted in recess where old "base" one was. Tweeter clips in place and is also secured with glue (hot gun) as LR do.
broken clips215 views
remove metal clips from floor panel and reinstall on to the plastic trim293 viewsIf you leave the clips in place and try to force the trim back in the clips are knocked through the floor unit and it takes an hour to get them out!!
Pipe clips.png
EGR Pipe Clips824 viewsRemove the 2 circled clips to disconnect upper ends of EGR pipes from the stub pipes fitted to the EGR butterfly valve housing.
Door Card Removal - Top clips23 views
Step 2 - Release 4x Clips across top of front grill .JPG
Front Grill Removal405 views
Step 3 - Undo 2x clips in top corner of lower lovre.JPG
Front Grill Removal321 views
Step 4a - pull up locking 2x clips for headlamps.JPG
Headlamp fixed361 views
Thread upload0 viewsImage uploaded in new thread
Dash trim removal581 viewsClips are at the bottom only, so pull (very hard) at the bottom and pull towards the gear lever.
Thread upload8 viewsImage uploaded in new thread
62 files on 1 page(s)