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Search results - "islay"
Our old TDi 300 on Islay with the Paps of Jura in the background300 views
Caol Ila Distillery109 viewsIsle of Islay
Loch Fyne45 viewsMinard Castle, Kintyre, Islay and Jura in distance
Stormy day in Islay505 viewsCALANDER ENTRY - Summer (?) holiday on Isle of Islay, Scotland. Good weather generally, but a storm came through mid-week. Car is parked at the end of the pier at Port Charlotte, looking towards Bowmore (!).

Sorry not much of a background or good light - but it was a storm. Oh and this is the highest res image I have, 5mp.
CALENDAR ENTRY - Islay 2008504 viewsSame as description for previous photo, with a bit more of a background. Looking towards Port Charlotte lighthouse. Sorry, number plate not visible, so probably inadmissible.
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