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Home > Member Galleries > LeighW > LRO - Beaudesert - April 06

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After ditch crossing awaiting driving instructors184 viewsTR mode Rock Crawl - nearside front wheel apparently got to about 1 metre free of ground when we started on the climb to this section but no photos - sorry.
Start of easy hill climb171 viewsTR mode Rock Crawl - although I did turn off Hill Descent as the other side was not too steep and she wanted to keep slowing dramatically which I didn't appreciate in convoy. (Where is my old Pajero that had the inclinometer?)
Rest stop after our first hill descent - line of cars stretched way back up the hill that disappears up to right of photo.201 views
Rest stop after our first hill descent.190 viewsMode: TR Rock Crawl with HDC turned off as I found that the ABS kicked in too much. As we were in convoy I maintained a safe distance from car in front and just "feathered the brakes" as suggested by an instructor.
Start of approach to creek crossing174 views
Descent to creek crossing172 views
Chief instructor (left) and another instructor explaining water crossings204 viewsWhilst no one tested the waters this time (they did last week with another group) you can just see the stick floating in the water (near second instructor's right elbow). Satisfied that the rains hadn't changed the depth dramatically, they let us through - those that elected to take the water crossing of course.
D3 creates a nice bow wave189 views
First D3 through the water crossing241 viewsThe instructor's Land Cruiser went through first to demonstrate:
- depth
- and technique
RRS has a dunk too!218 viewsChief instructor looks on...
Disco has splash at the crossing204 views
Buckingham Blue goes through261 viewsRutted track to left of shot is where my car went rather than through the water. Mine still is only a few months old - maybe in 6 months or so I will try but at least I know that because other D3s did it on the day, I can when I am game enough!!
Bonatti Grey (but not mine) fords the crossing247 views
Last D3 through the deep crossing229 viewsThe water was stirred up by this time (didn't start off too clean due to heavy rains in the previous week) water was between 500 and 600mm deep depending on where the driver crossed. Away from the tree was slightly deeper but most drivers chose that line to be well clear of the tree.
14 files on 1 page(s)